Due to the fact that Apple is no longer developing their FireWire Core Audio Driver, Apogee's Duet FireWire and Ensemble FireWire will not be officially supported on OS X 10.11 El Capitan or any future Mac OS X release. While these products may work normally for some users, Apogee will not be able to. Apogee updates Duet Software. Welcome to Gearslutz Pro Audio Forum! Anyone tried an Apogee Ensemble in Snow Leopard yet, do we know if their drivers are up. Ensemble Software Installer – July 2012. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion compatible; Intended for first time Ensemble installations on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion; If Ensemble, February 2012 software was pre-installed before updating to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, it is not necessary to install this.
Info: If you daisy chain FW800 with Duet last in the chain (Duet is FW400) - or have a FW800 hub - the speed from FW disks goes down 40-45% (to around 400 Mb/s.) after a while. Forcequitting/restarting duetDaemon brings up the speed again - for some time. This is new for Lion - did not happen in Snow Leopard.
In Snow Leopard the speed was stabile around 6-700 Mb/s (thats what to expect from FW800 disks). R-11 Oshkosh Parts Manual. Yes, I'm in desperate need for a new Lion driver update from Apogee.:-D. This is not good.
Oh well - look like I'll be trying these work arounds then as it says September for Duet 1 I appreciate it is no longer the current model and that stability is most important with kernel extensions but one of the reasons I choose Apogee was that it was recommended on the Apple site and integrated with Mac OS X. Many vendors for whom the Mac isn't their main platform lagged with support for new operating systems and point updates I had hoped for a near simultaneous release. I need to get experience of 10.7 and dual booting gets old really quick. I think Apogee is a lazy bunch of people:-D. Even small companies and solo persons developing apps like PleaseSleep and LittleSnitch have delivered updates for Lion.