Is yours military (No 38000, 1913 Navy issue) or commercial (C 38000, 1916)? As usual, we are going to need some close clear pictures.

I have not heard of a 1911 with multiple serial numbers in European practice. In later days Colt put the serial number under the firing pin stop but that was not standard this early. Argentine and Norwegian licensed production had multiple serial numbers but I don't know if the Colt produced guns before they started their own manufacture did. Install Ulaunch Flash Disk Otg. Yours is not in the serial number range given for either of those anyhow. Looks like a job for dsk and the boys. __________________ Avoid the temptation to replace everything on your brand-new 1911 just to make it 'better'. Know what you're changing out and why.

Model Of 1911 Us Army Serial Numbers

Is there anyway to figure out the year since the serial number has been replaced? Is there anyway way to find out who did the. Thread: Help Identifying a Colt 1911 with X- serial number. Click here to increase the font size. Join Date: October 2006; Location: Milsurps.Com; Posts: All Threads. No Drill-Tap.

You may spend a lot of money fixing things that weren't broken to begin with. Shoot at least 500 rounds through it first, then decide what you don't like and want to improve. Regarding vintage 1911s, pre-1970 pistols are highly collectible in original, unaltered condition and should NEVER be refinished or modified as it completely ruins their monetary value. __________________ Avoid the temptation to replace everything on your brand-new 1911 just to make it 'better'. Know what you're changing out and why. You may spend a lot of money fixing things that weren't broken to begin with. Shoot at least 500 rounds through it first, then decide what you don't like and want to improve. Leica 75mm Summilux Serial Numbers more.

Regarding vintage 1911s, pre-1970 pistols are highly collectible in original, unaltered condition and should NEVER be refinished or modified as it completely ruins their monetary value. __________________ Avoid the temptation to replace everything on your brand-new 1911 just to make it 'better'. Know what you're changing out and why. You may spend a lot of money fixing things that weren't broken to begin with. Shoot at least 500 rounds through it first, then decide what you don't like and want to improve.

Umk3 Juggernaut Hack Rom Download there. Regarding vintage 1911s, pre-1970 pistols are highly collectible in original, unaltered condition and should NEVER be refinished or modified as it completely ruins their monetary value. I wouldn't stamp numbers into the slide in the track of the disconnector, and I don't think Colt's would either.

Seems like it would tend to wear the tip of the disconnector disproportionally while inducing disconnector chatter/bounce. I think you have to assume the numbering was done by anyone with a 1/16' die set that thought it would be cool.

He didn't do the SSN though - that was most likely done during the '60s when it was popular for police dept's to have clinics where guns would be so marked with an electrid 'engraver' - supposed to be an 'anti-crime' measure. In those days, a crook having your SSN was not the problem it is today, and you had to give the number frequently. It was even required on our checks, believe it or not. I wouldn't stamp numbers into the slide in the track of the disconnector, and I don't think Colt's would either. Seems like it would tend to wear the tip of the disconnector disproportionally while inducing disconnector chatter/bounce. I think you have to assume the numbering was done by anyone with a 1/16' die set that thought it would be cool.

He didn't do the SSN though - that was most likely done during the '60s when it was popular for police dept's to have clinics where guns would be so marked with an electrid 'engraver' - supposed to be an 'anti-crime' measure. In those days, a crook having your SSN was not the problem it is today, and you had to give the number frequently. It was even required on our checks, believe it or not. Actually, Colt's started numbering slides in that spot in the late 1920's. Clawson shows one in his book Colt 45 Government Models page 52.