African Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics Volume 9 Number 2 pages 148-164 Drivers of land-use change in the Southern Nations, Nationalities. With changing economies in Sahelian countries. Blackberry 9780 Flashlight Download. The drivers of land use change in the Sahel are complex, and not fully understood. West Africa and the Sahel. While in the Sahel, migrant birds use farm, scrub and woodland landscapes under actively management by farmers and livestock keepers4. Important bird habitats. KEY WORDS: land-use land-cover change, agricultural expansion, modelling, Benin ABSTRACT: Land-cover and land-use changes are an important part of global change but determine as well livelihoods at local and regional level. The knowledge of change trajectories and possible future conditions is important for a sustainable development.

Drivers Of Land Use Change In Africa

Abstract: This study focus on land use-land cover changes relation to the multidimensional characteristics of spatial and temporal patterns of land dynamics and social practices. The objectives are to characterize the dynamics of land-use and land-cover changes from 1992 to 2015, and to identify the drivers of deforestation and land degradation. Nine (09) types of classes were identified: humid vegetation (HV), savanna/wooded savanna (WS), savanna/shrub savanna (SSS), shrub savanna (SS), mangrove (MA), grass savanna (GS), cropland (CP), water (WA), and bare soil (BS). The process of change was analysed within a 5614.6 ha which includes the Patako protected area. Jellycar Pc Download. The results have shown significant changes in land use-land cover for more than two decades (1992 to 2015). A high variability of land cover transfer was recorded between periods and class categories. International Relations Theory Books Free Download more.