Drudge Retort

Links to international news sources and columnists. The Drudge Report RSS Feed updated in real-time.

Drudg′ing•ly, adv. His every movement is jealously watched by the police till he comes of age and presents himself for inspection; then he is either destroyed, if he is found to exceed the fixed margin of deviation, or else immured in a Government Office as a clerk of the seventh class; prevented from marriage; forced to drudge at an uninteresting occupation for a miserable stipend; obliged to live and board at the office, and to take even his vacation under close supervision; what wonder that human nature, even in the best and purest, is embittered and perverted by such surroundings.

Matt Drudge has been in the White House an awful lot these days -- 'all the time,' as one senior administration official puts it. He's met with President Donald Trump, spent time with Ivanka Trump, and doled out advice to Jared Kushner. That he'd have influence in the Trump White House should not be all that surprising. The internet news tycoon, who founded and edits the Drudge Report, the narrative-setting conservative news website, has been one of Trump's most ardent supporters since Trump announced his candidacy. He boosted him through the contentious Republican primaries, helped him defeat Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton by galvanizing the GOP base, and, for the better half of his young presidency, has stayed in sync with the White House's talking points. But Drudge is blindly loyal to no one -- which could, ultimately, make him as dangerous to this White House as he has been helpful to it. Indeed, lately Drudge has appeared irked by Trump and his White House, frustrated with the president's inability to carry out the ambitious agenda he campaigned on.

And he's not being shy about it. Over the past several weeks, Drudge's website has covered the White House with a more critical eye, more frequently drawing attention to news not exactly flattering to the president. It displayed as a banner headline a story about Trump certifying the Iran nuclear deal, something that Trump had vehemently opposed during the campaign. It has covered stories about the investigation into Russian election meddling with increased intensity, with recent banners about 'THE EMAIL' and how 'RUSSIANS PASSED DNC DIRT DURING JR. And, last week, the site took a direct shot at the president's lack of progress with a banner declaring former President Barack Obama to be 'LIVING EASY.'

It linked to a headlined, 'Trump set out to uproot Obama's legacy. So far that's failed.'

The recent coverage has served as a red flag -- or a flashing siren, if you will -- to those who frequent the Drudge Report. Drudge hasn't turned definitively against Trump yet, and he didn't respond to a request for comment for this story, but according to two people close to him, he is certainly antsy with the rate of progress coming from the White House.

'He's growing impatient,' one of the people close to Drudge told CNNMoney. 'Drudge takes some credit, I think, for getting Trump elected into the White House and he expected him to follow through on the promises he campaigned on.

Look, it's not going well so far. Some of it is, but for the most part it's trouble. Drudge can see that. He's not blind to reality.' The other person close to the reclusive publisher told CNNMoney that it 'seems like Matt is starting to get a bit miffed.'

'Drudge may have helped Trump win the White House, but he's never beholden to anyone,' the person said. 'What's gnawing at him now is that Trump is not following through on his campaign promises -- the ideals that helped him win and also brought Drudge's backing.' *** Drudge is one of the most mysterious individuals in the news media. He is rarely seen in public and is frequently traveling, operating almost entirely outside the traditional New York City and Washington, DC, media apparatus.

Reporters and political strategists email him tips, knowing full well that it's unlikely their message will yield a personal response. Marvell 54m Wireless Usb Adapter Driver Download. And he keeps company with few, exiling those who disclose details of their relationship with him. 'I think you'll find that if one talks about Drudge, one has lost a friend,' Lucianne Goldberg, a conservative blogger and literary agent who says she is friendly with the news mogul, but hasn't seen him in more than a decade, told CNNMoney.