The UA-25EX is a nice little USB interface. I am using this product with Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro 4. ‹ See all details for UA-25EX USB Audio Interface. While the Edirol products work with ASIO-compliant software in MAC OS 9 or 10, and/or Windows XP, ProTools tends to be a proprietary program with little to no support. Buku Geologi Dasar Pdf Reader.
PC Setup - Vista SP1 32 with USB connection Keyboard Setup - Reset the Axiom by turning it off then holding the + and - keys at the same time while powering the Ax iom back on. Hold for about 5 seconds then let go to reset the keyboard to defaults. - Select Program 20, Press Recall and key in 20 using numeric keypad on the Axiom keyboard. Pro Tools Setup - Select Setup from menu, then Peripherals - Machine COntrol Tab, under MIDI Machine Control Remote (Slave), check Enable - MIDI Controllers Tab, #1, Type - M-Audio Keyboard, Receive From - USB Asiom 49 In1, Send To - USB Asiom 49 Out ( Emulated ) # Ch's - 8 - Select Setup from menu, under Preferences select MIDI tab Under Basics, Default Thru Instrument:, Select Follow First Selected MIDI Track - Select Options from menu, check MIDI Thru.
To Test the keyboard just insert a stereo multichannel plug-in on a stereo instrument track and load a sound patch into it. Something like Xpand!2 sould work great. Put the track into REC enable, so R button is flashing on that track and play some notes and you should hear sound. With this setup, - Transport buttons works - Sliders work for tracks 1-8 - Buttons under slider selects tracks 1-8 - Drum pad works.
UA-25EX Updates & Drivers • This contains information on the UA-25EX (Advanced mode) driver compatible with Microsoft Windows 10. • IMPORTANT NOTICE: When the Windows SmartScreen is displayed upon installing the driver, please perform the following procedure: 1. Click [ More info ] 2. Click [ Run anyway ] * Skip Step 1 If your PC is not connected to the internet. Primalforms Community Edition Tutorial Makeup. • This is the UA-25EX driver for Microsoft(R) Windows 7 64-bit Edition. This driver also supports ASIO (Steinberg Audio Stream I/O Interface). • This is the UA-25EX driver for Microsoft(R) Windows 7.