Mar 31, 2000 BIOS set up for serial port -- how to? If a serial mouse set Serial 1 to 3f8 irq4 Theres different schools of thought on this actually. Optimizing a PC's BIOS. Free Tomtom One 3rd Edition Voices For Children. On the other hand, if your customer does use the serial port, then this setting should be set to 3F8/IRQ4. Onboard Serial Port 2.
Two devices sharing the same Interrupt Request (IRQ), I/O port, or base address cause a port conflict. With modems, duplicate Interrupt Requests or I/O ports usually cause conflicts. For example, installing an internal modem configured for COM2, IRQ3 into a computer which also has a physically-installed COM port will result in a conflict. Some terminal-oriented programs such as ProComm, Windows Terminal, and faxing programs may not appear to have hardware conflicts. However, pcANYWHERE is a full-featured remote control program and is more sensitive to hardware conflicts. Mio Spirit 685 Maps Download.
PcANYWHERE's full usage of communications hardware is more susceptible to adverse effects. IRQ and other hardware conflicts can manifest in many different ways. Here are a few examples: • Modem not recognized or initialized. • Slow connections or loss of connection. • Black screen after connect or system rebooting. • Computer lockup.