Grass Fed SVS Program

Seaboard Foods' Quality Circle control points that are USDA Process Verified. USDA Process Verification Program. Process Verified Program, visit the USDA AMS. Process Verification Points and Use of the USDA Process. United States Department of Agriculture. 6.3 The Process Verified Program must approve use of the.

It seems so simple. A buyer wants you to verify the age and source of the calves you're selling, even says they're worth more money if you do. They're all wearing your brand and you've got calving records going back to Noah's foundation stock; no problem.

But the buyer shakes his head and asks which Quality System Assessment (QSA) or Process Verified Program (PVP) your calves are enrolled in. Welcome to the complicated limbo of documenting and qualifying cattle characteristics in a way that can withstand the scrutiny of domestic and international beef customers. At their simplest, QSAs and PVPs are audit and verification programs through which your calves can get the government stamp of approval required by current USDA Beef Export Verification programs. Ultra Focus Keygen Download. Japan requires such documentation for U.S. Beef imports in order to verify that no beef comes from cattle older than 20 months.

The EU requires it for U.S. Beef imports to verify compliance with the standards of Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC). This same kind of USDA-approved, third-party verification is also finding favor with domestic customers wanting verification of age, source, animal-welfare practices and natural-beef standards. Unfortunately, QSA and PVP — which require animal ID — have come along at the same time USDA is trying to implement its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). “The biggest misunderstanding in the country, and one that's slowed adoption of source- and age-verification, is some mistakenly think QSA and PVP are steps in a national animal ID program,” explains Bill Mies, vice president of national accounts for eMerge Interactive.

“They're amazed to discover QSA and PVP are private-industry programs aimed at getting them more money for their cattle.” eMerge offers source- and age-verification through its own PVP program. Mark Spire, bovine technical services manager for Schering-Plough Animal Health, emphasizes there are lots of folks, including government officials, who continue to wrap NAIS — and its purpose for national animal disease surveillance and animal health monitoring — with animal ID needed for market-driven programs such as QSA and PVP.