Browse Categories Knowledge Essentials - 3Essentials Hosting Reset DNN host password Article ID: 376 How do I reset my DotNetNuke host 'superuser' password? If you lost the password of the host 'superuser' account (and you cannot request the host password by email), the following solution will help: For DNN 3 and DNN 4 installations: Please note, that you need direct access to the database: 1. Go to Register a new user on your DotNetNuke Site. If 'Register' is not displayed for the portal, go to table 'Portals' in your database and enter value '2' into column 'UserRegistration'. Create a new user account by registration (please remember the password you enter!) 3. Go to database, and find and enter the table 'ASPNet_Membership' 4.

Code Decrypter

Cosmic Rays Particle Physics Gaisser Pdf Files more. BackgroundIn DotNetNuke 7.1.0, the default Password Format is. If a site is using hashed passwords. Then any code which attempts to decrypt the user's password.

Go to new user account (usually the last one) and copy the encrypted values of columns 'Password' and 'PasswordSalt' into the same columns of user account 'host' (usually the first entry in this table) 5. Login as user 'host' using the new password and delete the newly created other user. For DNN 5 or DNN 6 installations: Note: This soultion is from the blog: It is possible to recover your DNN host password if you have access to upload files to the site. This can be done either via FTP or through the Plesk file manager. You should place this into a new.aspx file that you upload to the DNN root directory, perhaps naming it something like recoverpassword.aspx.

Dnn Password Decrypter

Now visit that page on the site with your browser. It should show you your DNN host password. IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST REMOVE THIS FILE FROM YOUR SITE! If you don't, then other people will be able to easily access your host password. This solution does not work on all DNN 5.x, 6.x and 7.x versions. If you find it does not work on your DNN installation, use the steps outlined for DNN 3 and 4 installations, which should work on all versions (they are just slightly more complicated).

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