In a recent post we looked at even if using PowerPoint to build the courses. One of the prompted lots of questions.

Interactive Manual TemplateInteractive Product Manual Template Indesign

So in today’s post I’ll show you how I created the PowerPoint interaction. This lets us look at some essential production tips when using PowerPoint to build interactive elearning. PowerPoint Tutorials.

Review the to see how it works. I also included a link to so that you can see how it’s assembled. This may help when viewing the tutorials above. Or quickly skim the notes below. In addition, the download can be used as a template.

Learn more about Standards Forms & Procedures. PC Chair’s Template for. The forms linked below are included in the applicable 90.1 User's Manual. Dec 06, 2016 Where can I find a template for preparing a procedure manual. I would like to prepare a procedure manual using a template to. None of these templates.

Star Wars Battlefront 3 Free Radical on this page. Feel free to replace the content with your own if you need a quick interactive module. Use Multiple Layouts Use as many layouts as you need to build your course. In this template I have two layouts. One layout is for the instructions and feedback; and the other layout for the interaction. As a rule of thumb, once I get three or more slides with the same information, I try to put as much as I can on the master slide so it’s easier to edit and maintain. When you build your slides, try to determine what’s persistent and then add as much of the persistent content to the master slide.

Use Slide Titles as Metadata I like to move the titles in the master slide up and off the slide. This lets me use the title area as a way to describe the slide, but not have that content appear in the actual slide. This comes in really handy when you’re creating interactive branches and using PowerPoint’s hyperlinking because the titles of the slide are easy see. Don’t be afraid to add a lot of descriptive content to the slide title.

Add Hyperlinks to the Master Slide In this interaction, we’re working with a single image that has multiple hyperlinks. Since we’re using the same master slide for all five slides, it makes sense to add the hyperlink to the master slide. That means I only add them once and they’re easy to edit. • Use transparent shapes for the hyperlinks (1). • Title the hyperlinks so that you know where they go (2).

Create Shapes for Hyperlinks You can add a hyperlink to any object in PowerPoint. However, if you look at the object on the slide, there’s no way of knowing which ones have links or not. Come back to a course three weeks later and you’ll have to spend a lot of time trying to remember which objects have links and where they go. That’s why I like to create a shape just for the links. I add the link to the shape and then in the selection pane I title the shape as a link and where it goes.

This makes reviewing the slide’s links super easy. Bonus tip: CTRL+K opens the hyperlink window.

Jeremy Passion For More Than A Feeling. Title Objects on the Slide In the image above I show an example of titled hyperlinks. And in the image below I show titled objects on the slide.

It’s a good habit to title objects on the slide. The most obvious reason is that you know what each object is and what it does based on how you title it. The other reason is that when you leave the course and come back a while later, you’ll find it a lot easier to orient yourself to what’s there. That’s a big time saver, especially if you hand the course off to someone else to maintain. The Cropping Tool is Your Friend In this template, I added the image of the four people on the master slide.

I created a new slide and applied the master layout. Then I pasted a copy of the image on the slide itself.

From there I was able to use the crop feature to crop to the person’s head and add the image frame. I duplicated the first slide for each additional character. Then selected the head image (see above) and opened the cropping tool. All I had to do was move the crop box to the new head and all of the same formatting was applied.